Thursday, April 8, 2010

Popping the Laundromat Cherry

So I went to the laundromat for the first time the other day. I felt so dumb. I've never used one before. I didn't know the difference between the dryers and the washers!

How dumb is that?? I eventually figured it out, but man I felt dumb. I also felt my wallet being raped. $6/load to wash. $0.25/4 min of dryer time. 

Ridonk. Purely ridonk. However, I do not cast my anger at the laundromat. No, no. I cast my anger towards the sonofagun who brought the bed bugs in! We think we know who it is, but we can't be 100% certain! All I wanna do is submit my receipts to them. And thank them for inconveniencing my life! The packing continues...I've now added a step - Lysol. Apparently it kills them. I doubt it's true cuz I read it on the intarwebz, but it helps me sleep at night.
What a pain. 

As I sit in my car, typing this out....waiting in the carwash line, listening to BNL's "If I Had $1,000,000" I keep thinking to myself...I'd buy a house. And my own drive-thru car wash.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I totally feel your pain with the laundr-o-mat! I had to use one in Norway (I think...somewhere in Scandinavia) and the person had to help me because I didn't know where to put the soap. He probably thought I was uber dumb. Oh least I'll never see him again. Good luck on your apartment search. Bed bugs = no fun at all. Hope you stay bed bug free...hope the infestation is in another building!
