Last night, like every other night since the Olympics started, I sat in front of the TV...and like many of you, I caught the Women's Bobsleigh event. Now like any child who grew up in the 80s/90s, when I think of Bobsleigh, I think of....
RIP John Candy :(
So of course, my interest was peaked. As I listened to the commentators, I learned that the Canadian women have NEVER won a medal in bobsleigh, further to that...Canada period has never won. Alright. They've hooked me in. And as I watched, I got really pumped for Heather Moyse, Helen Upperton, Kaillie Humphries and Shelley-Ann Brown...and low and behold, we captured SILVER AND GOLD! WOO! I had to tune in to the medal ceremony! And when the teams took to the podium...all I could think was
" Pajamas...are coming down the stairs...."
Now I'd love to show you a picture of the American Olympic Bobsleigh team, but there are some intense copyright infringements involved, and even meek lil' ol' Kristi Mingo from Alberta doesn't wanna take the risk. So instead, I shall direct you to this website, and you can search for yourself. The Americans' outfits made me giggle uncontrollably and now, I have that song in my head. What do YOU think?
LOL! I think they are hilarious too! The ugliest outfits in the Olympics. I'm not afraid to say it either even though I'm an American. Who thought it would be a good idea to put our athletes in pajamas? My husband and I have had good laughs over it throughout the Olympics! BTW, I was the one that messaged you about it on FB! hehe