Tom Laird is the latest addition to the Big Country Crew, and I must say, if I was a dude, I'd be super jealous of him. Why, do you ask? It's not because he can quote Big Bang Theory at the drop of a hat (although that IS pretty awesome). It's not because he's a radio announcer by day, ninja by night. No. It's because of his incredibly luscious beard. I've never seen a beard like his before. He has incredible maintenance and you NEVER see the remnants of his previous meal.
The only comparison I can think of is the episode of Family Guy where Peter grows a beard. You know the one, where the family of baby birds lives in it? Now as you can see, Tom is well on his way to accomplishing this. And it's my dream for Tom. I tell him how much I enjoy his luscious beard every day...and I'm hoping with consistent encouragement, he'll make my dream come true, and house a family of birds in his beard. If you're also a fan of Tom's beard, or just want to see what he's up to, check out his blog HERE
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